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Domain Therapeutics North America : Who we are

Domain Therapeutics North America (DTNA) a subsidiary of Domain Therapeutics was established in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) in 2014 and it is dedicated to the application and the development of the bioSens-All® technology platform for either internal drug discovery project of Domain Therapeutics in immuno-oncology as well as for customers and partners worldwide in multiple therapeutic areas.

DTNA leverages Domain’s bioSens-All® platform technology through:
Short term research project: signaling characterization, trafficking analysis, assay development, HTS and SAR studies using bioSens-All®
Drug discovery collaborations with pharma/biotech partners: Target validation and mutant vs native receptor profiling,…

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DTNA’s Mission: Insightful and targeted drug discovery

Discover more than you think is Domain’s credo. We are committed to improving and accelerating drug discovery efforts by bringing new insights on GPCR biology and other transmembrane receptor signaling pathways (e.g. RTK, Immune Checkpoints), using our proprietary bioSens-All® technology and strong pharmacology expertise.


DTNA’s Vision: To accelerate the development of next generation targeted small molecules and antibody therapeutics by harnessing the power of BRET

Providing early characterization information using bioSens-All® allows to tailor drug discovery, leading to better drug candidate selection, reducing the attrition risk during the development process. Indeed with an average cost of 2 billion dollars for each drug reaching the market, it becomes essential to develop new innovative approaches and tools to better interrogate cellular pathways and identify promising therapeutic candidates. Such approaches would increase the chances of success early during the drug discovery process.

At DTNA, we use the power of bioluminescence energy transfer (BRET) to shed light on complex signal transduction events occurring upon activation of transmembrane receptors. Combined with the experience of our scientists, bioSens-All® can inform researchers on the pharmacology of different ligands, and therefore help guide decisions during a drug discovery program.

DTNA is a key partner when it comes to applying innovative approaches for the development of small molecules, biologics, and advancing drug discovery programs.


Our History: From a fruitful Canadian collaboration to ever-increasing worldwide partnerships

bioSens-All®, Domain Therapeutics’ proprietary BRET-based technology platform was developed by a consortium of Universities in Quebec (Dr. Graciela Pineyro and Dr. Christian Le Gouill from University of Montreal; Dr. Terry Hebert and Dr. Stéphane Laporte from McGill University; Dr. Richard Leduc from Sherbrooke University) and led by Dr. Michel Bouvier from the University of Montreal’s Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC). The development of the technology was also made possible through the support and grant from the CQDM. ). The successful licensing of the technology to Domain Therapeutics was completed with the support of IRICoR in October 2013.

In September 2019 Domain Therapeutics has received, together with Pr Michel Bouvier, the RSRI (Regroupement Sectoriel de Recherche Industrielle in Quebec) Recognition Award at the ADRIQ Innovation Prize Gala.


timeline DTNA


Our Trackrecord: A robust and well validated technology & expertise

By 2021, DTNA has performed more than 180 research projects, performed with more than 50 major biotech and pharma companies. During this time, DTNA was also granted federal funding from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP). This funding contributed to the development of a novel generation of more sensitive biosensors, which were subsequently in-licensed by Domain Therapeutics to further enpower the platform.
DTNA has also taken part in several long-term drug discovery collaborations, leveraging our technologies and scientific expertise in productive partnerships.

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